SWF, 39.5+, seeks fun, meaning, adventure, satisfaction, good health, happiness, love, success, and so much more.

Welcome to Countdown to 40 — the blog dedicated to the next six months of my life.

On Monday, July 13, 2009, I reached the ripe age of 39.5. As usual, I enjoyed the occasion with colleagues and friends, who always appreciate the snacks but wonder about a woman my age who celebrates six-month birthdays.

This year, and for the first time in my life, I feel different. Different isn’t bad. It’s just different. I’m thinking more about life — what it’s been and what it’ll be. The people who stood by my side and helped shaped me into who I am today. Those who meant so much to me and aren’t with us any more.

Since I never experienced apprehension about any upcoming age, the approach to 40 fascinates me. Many of my friends have already reached this milestone, and their reactions — and actions — differed greatly. I think the commonalty we all share is recognizing this particular year means something to each one of us.

So, what’s on my mind?

There’s so much I want to know. So much I want to get in order. So much I want to share.

How will I prepare for the big 4 – 0 and beyond?

In this next stage . . . what will I be doing and thinking?

Who have I become? And, more importantly, who do I want to be?

What have I done to help those in need? Where can I do more?

Does my DNA dictate my future health?

Will I find love again?

. . . and so much more.

Forty is coming. I hope you’ll join me on my journey and share your thoughts, experiences, and advice. We’ll have a good time, laugh, learn, and grow.