Ten Steps to Lower Your Food Cost

1. Stay away from expensive stores.

2. For fresh produce, buy only what you need and know you'll use.

3. Don’t let food go bad. Finish fresh produce and leftovers before making new purchases.

4. For meats, buy family packs or sale items. Split and freeze in portion sizes. Don’t forget to write the date on them and use them in order of purchase.

5. Shop around for the best prices. Check out weekly circulars. 

6. Clip and use coupons.

7. Find out which markets in your area double coupon values or accept competitors’ coupons.

8. Shop at wholesale membership warehouses, but make sure to shop around for the best prices. Sometimes, there’s little to no cost savings on certain items. Don’t forget to use their coupons.

9. Buy seasonal produce at local farm stands.

10. Buy in bulk and split with family or friends.