Countdown to 40 Goes Out With A Bang

Is sex after 40 better? Different? It’s what you really want to know. What else is there to write about?

Well . . . I’m not telling. Not yet anyway.

The 40 Factor is here, and no matter how young I feel on the inside, it’s going to play a role in my life.

Sharing my approach to the big 4 - 0 and beyond through Countdown to 40 was great — one of my best experiences in recent years. For me, it was an exciting and interesting way to connect with friends, family, and colleagues, while meeting new people.

You listened to everything I wanted to share, and you told me how you felt, what I should do, or just encouraged me on. Your comments, e-mails, texts, Facebook posts, and phone calls were greatly appreciated.

So much happened during this time, and I was touched that you wanted to share it all with me.

You heard about how much I love root canal and learned lessons d’amour in LOVE 101. You held my hand as I had two pieces of skin removed and waited for B-B-B-B-B-Biopsy results. We talked about The High Price of Healthy and even higher costs to Take me out to the ball game! 

I surprised many of you, because I don’t care how hot you think your ass is. And, after all this time, I’m saying NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! We also learned to better appreciate a well-balanced life and asked, Who are you calling lazy? 

We told men to grow up in If boys will be boys . . .  and touched the surface of taboo in Let’s talk about sex . . . really. You also helped me through my sulfa allergy ordeal, laughing at Cats, Bees, and Sulfur! Oh my!

I shared my Top Ten Reasons To Be Thankful and my Thanksgiving Prayer in Thanksgiving: The Complaint Department Is Closed.

You entertained My Birthday Wish and joined the fight against hunger in America — spreading the word and raising more than enough money to rescue 40,000 pounds of food. And, together we bid Farewell to 2009.

Countdown to 40 Recap
  • 29 Published Posts
  • 1 Unpublished Post
  • 56 Reactions
  • Nearly 2,500 Visits (and Counting)
  • 11 Public Followers
  • 1 Make a Difference Drive; 25 Contributions; Nearly $1,000
  • 1 Facebook Cause Page;  82 Members; $190
  • 1 New York Yankees World Series Championship

As I approached the big 4 – 0, I knew that Countdown to 40 could not continue forever. I decided a long time ago that I wouldn’t be 39 (or 29) forever. Of course, I reserve the right to reconsider that decision at some point in the future.

While we say farewell to Countdown to 40, I’d like to introduce you to The 40 Factor — the place for everything about the big 4 - 0 and beyond.

Whether you’re in your 40s, on your way, or getting ready to order your AARP card, please join us. We’ll be talking about everything that’s on our minds . . . from love, careers, health, and the environment, to security, friendships, volunteering, money, and so much more.

I'm looking forward to continuing our journey together. See you at The 40 Factor .